webpage.tee..blogspot.in/2013/02/.-.-lock-use-pic16f887.html中的代码必须更改为9个字符的密码,并在Pic 877上使用,我正在使用它作为内阁锁。必须删除主密码,并且必须实现密码更改。如果主密码是常数“12345”,那么有些代码被我更改为适合16f877(此文件附后)
The Code in webpage
latesteeprojects.blogspot .in/ 2013/02/ digital-door-lock-using-pic16f887 .html
has to be altered to 9 character Password and used on Pic 877,
I am using it for cabinet lock.
Master Password has to be removed and password change has to be implemented
Can anyone do it
Bit Urgent, it is bit confusing if that master password is constant " 12345"
some code was changed by me to suit 16f877 ( this file is attached )
Code Lock 877.txt (7.43 KB) - downloaded 368 times