matlab通过IVI-com驱动程序控制E4438C VSG。到目前为止,我已经找到了如何加载驱动程序,连接到设备,甚至上传&
当前代码:%create objectvsg_obj = instrument.ivicom.IviRFSigGen('device_name');%ini
tialize objectvsg_obj.Initialize('device_name',true,true,'');%set frequency&
levelvsg_obj.RF.Frequency = 1E9; vsg_obj.RF.Level = 0;%load waveform,i_data&
q_data预先生成 - AWGNvsg_obj.DigitalModulation.Arb.WriteWaveform( 'arb_waveform',I_DATA,q_data,假);%选择最近上传waveformvsg_obj.DigitalModulation.Arb.SelectedWaveform = 'arb_waveform';上RF outputvsg_obj.RF.OutputEnabled%转
= true;但是,此时,写入噪声未被发送出去。
Hi all,
I'm using Matlab to control a E4438C VSG via the IVI-com drivers.
So far, I've figured out how to load the drivers, connect to the device, and even upload & select an ARB waveform. However, I, for the life of me, cannot figure out how to turn the ARB output on.
Current Code:
%create object
vsg_obj = instrument.ivicom.IviRFSigGen('device_name');
%initialize object
vsg_obj.Initialize('device_name', true, true, '');
%set frequency & level
vsg_obj.RF.Frequency = 1E9;
vsg_obj.RF.Level = 0;
%load waveform, i_data & q_data are generated previously - AWGN
vsg_obj.DigitalModulation.Arb.WriteWaveform('arb_waveform', i_data, q_data, false);
%select the recently uploaded waveform
vsg_obj.DigitalModulation.Arb.SelectedWaveform = 'arb_waveform';
%turn on RF output
vsg_obj.RF.OutputEnabled = true;
However, at this point, the write noise is not being sent out. I have to mannually hit the arb on button to get it to work. There's got to be a way to turn it on, but I can't find where.
Also, is there a way to send SCPI commands through the IVI-com drivers?