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          I would like to know if the PSoC3/5 have the necessary resources to process the PDM signal from a digital microphone? I am not familiar with this currently, but I am looking to the eliminate codec in a design which currently processes the digital mic and passes the data to the PSoC via I2S. Thanks.   



2019-2-14 09:43:00
对。PSoC 3和PSoC 5的资源和CPU小时功率允许用户开发音频信号。检查PSoC Creator软件中的I2S组件。你可以在通信类日志中找到它。集成的IC间声音总线(I2S)组件仅在主模式下运行。它还工作在两个方向:作为发射机(Tx)和接收机(RX)。Tx和RX的数据是独立的字节流。字节流首先用最重要的字节和第一个字的位7中的最高有效位来填充。每个样本所使用的字节数(左或右通道的样本)是保存样本的最小字节数。


  Yes. the resource and CPU hourse power in PSoC 3 and PSoC 5 allows users to develop audio signals. Check out the I2S comonent in PSoC Creator software. You can find it under Communication categlog. The Integrated Inter-IC Sound Bus (I2S) component operates in Master mode only. It also operates in two directions: as a transmitter (Tx) and a receiver (Rx). The data for Tx and Rx are independent byte streams. The byte streams are packed with the most significant byte first and
the most significant bit in bit 7 of the first word. The number of bytes used for each sample (a sample for the left or right channel) is the minimum number of bytes to hold a sample.


2019-2-14 09:57:14


  The I2S interface is not the problem/concern...The digital microphones provide a digital output referred to as PDM (Pulse Density Modulation) which is apparently created using a sigma delta adc. I am told it requires a decimation filter to convert it into a usable signal which may then be transported out of the cpu using the I2S interface. I don't have enough knowledge to understand the requirements for the decimation filter used to reconstruct the PDM signal or the clock required for the digital microphone and I assume the decimation filter as well. I am not sure how they might be such microphone is manufactured by Analog Devices, ADMP421...the data sheet states that the microphone uses a 4th order sigma-delta modulator, but I cannot find anything that tells me what is needed to return that signal back to a 16-24 bit PCM signal.


2019-2-14 10:16:08
你是对的。从这种类型的麦克风接收的信号将需要被抽取,以便将其转换为样本的并行数据流。我们已经实现了这个问题的原型解决方案。我专门用模拟设备ADMP421部分来描述这个问题。由于数据在多个Mbps中进入,所以需要在硬件中进行处理,所以在我们的可编程数字硬件中实现了CIC SnC64 64 x抽取滤波器。在提供这个解决方案之前,我还有一些工作要做,但是一旦实现了,我会把原型发布到我的博客上。
Brad Budlong PSoC森赛


  Your correct.  The signal that is recieved from this type of microphone will need to be decimated in order to convert it to a parallel data stream of samples.  We've implemented a prototype solution to this problem.  I specifically prototyped this with the Analog Devices ADMP421 part that you mentioned.  Since the data is coming in at multiple Mbps the processing needs to happen in hardware, so I implemented a CIC Sinc4 64x decimation filter in our programmable digital hardware.  I have some more work to do before providing this solution, but once that gets implemented I'll post a prototype to my blog.
    Brad Budlong
PSoC Sensei

