Please do you know why my C code (XC8) for PIC12F509 doesnt work?
All its supposed to do is read a square wave voltage input on GP5, and then change GP4 from high to low and vice versa, every second low-going of GP5.
However, GP4 is always just staying low. Do you kow why?
It builds successfully but doesn’t work
* File: jitter.c
* Author:
* Created on 8 sept 2017, 23:55
//this code jitters
//This uses PIC12F509
//XC8 C compiler (free)
#define _XTAL_FREQ 4000000
#pragma config OSC = IntRC // Oscillator Selection bits (external RC oscillator)
#pragma config WDT = OFF // Watchdog Timer Enable bit (WDT disabled)
#pragma config CP = OFF // Code Protection bit (Code protection off)
#pragma config MCLRE = OFF // GP3/MCLR Pin Function Select bit (GP3/MCLR pin function is MCLR)
//I have not set the MCLR pin as an input because it will be noise susceptible.
//Therefore i set MCLR up as reset, but i will never use it as reset..but will
//simply tie the pin top Vdd on the PCB.
//Declare functions which set up the microcontroller
//void disable_interrupts(void); //How do this?
//void disable_pullups(void); //How do this?
// TRIS = 0x18;
//Declare variables
uint8_t count;
void main(void) {
GP0 = 0;
GP1 = 0;
GP2 = 0;
GP4 = 0;
GP5 = 0;
OPTION = 0xD7;
TRISGPIO = 0x20;
GP4 = 0;
//5 second delay
for (count=1;count<=50;count++) {
while(GP5 == 0) ;
while(GP5 == 1) ;
//When it gets to this point, the STATUS input has just gone low
GP4 = 0; //FET OFF
while(GP5 == 0) ; //See out the rest of low STATUS
while(GP5 == 1) ; //See out the high STATUS
while(GP5 == 0) ; //See out the low STATUS
while(GP5 == 1) ; //See out the high STATUS
GP4 = 1; //FET ON
while(GP5 == 0) ; //See out the rest of low STATUS
while(GP5 == 1) ; //See out the high STATUS
while(GP5 == 0) ; //See out the low STATUS
while(GP5 == 1) ; //See out the high STATUS
GP4 = 0;