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(终于)阅读了3.36的发行说明(http://WW1.Microchip .com……3Y36.pdf),开始查看我的系统中的文件版本,并有几个问题:1)MCC插件是最新的。查看MCC网页,发现有APIC10/PIC12/PIC16/PIC18V1.55库(大概包含每个微控制器的最新代码,是必不可少的吗?)而在我的MCC库文件夹中,最新的一个是V1.45.在MCC中没有自动更新库吗?我按照指令加载V1.55,然后在MCC的版本窗口中激活它。希望这是明智的,不会创造向后兼容性问题?它说是“从核心4.26构建”(我正在运行的核心)就像V1.45一样。如果一个项目是用较早的内核创建的,这是否意味着这将是不兼容的?我们必须保存一个MCC的版本,哪个核心和哪个库用于创建一个项目?2)岩心。这笔交易是什么?我们只是不断更新最新的核心吗?如果打开一个较早的项目,我们是否需要切换到更早的内核?3)MCC——当MCC有更新时,它与早期项目向后兼容,还是有必要用创建的MCC版本打开它们?



    Having (finally) read the release notes for 3.36 ( http://ww1.microchip.com/...3_36.pdf ) , started looking into the file versions in my system and have a few questions:

1) The MCC plugin is up to date. Looked on the MCC webpage and discovered that there's a

PIC10/PIC12/PIC16/PIC18 v1.55 library (presumably this contains the latest code for each microcontroller and is indispensable?)

whereas looking in my MCC Libraries folder the most recent one was v1.45.

Are libraries not updated automatically in MCC?

I loaded v1.55 as per instructions and then activated it in the Versions window of MCC. Hope that was sensible and will not create backwards-compatibility issues? It says that is was "built from core 4.26" (the core that I'm running) just as v1.45 was. If a project was created with an earlier core does that mean that this would be incompatible? Must we keep a list of which version of MCC, which core and which library were used in the creation of a project?

2) Cores. What is the deal? Do we just keep updating to the latest core? Do we have to switch back to an earlier core if opening an earlier project?

3) MCC - when there's an update to MCC is it backwards-compatible with earlier projects, or is it necessary to open them with the MCC version used to create?



2018-12-13 15:10:02



    In the past versions of MCC were not backwards compatible. I do not know what version are compatible with which, or what Microchips future plans are.


2018-12-13 15:24:28



    Thanks @NKurzman. So when there's a new MCC I'll note which projects were created with this current one.
Anyone know about the Libraries? Are they suppose to automatically update? Is it important to respect the "built from Core XXX" designation in the Versions window and ensure that Library and Core Match? And if they do match does that mean there'll be no problems?
And what about the Core? (What is a Core anyway and how does it differ from "MCC"?) Any reason not to choose the most recent Core for the given MCC version one is running? 


2018-12-13 15:42:15



    We bundle the latest libraries with the release when we make a new release of the MPLAB-X plugin. When there is a new version of the plug-in the IDE can update this for you, but we do interim releases usually including new part support more often than plug-in releases, this was the case with V1.55 of the peripheral libraries for MCU8.
The latest version of MCC will load your project with the version of the libraries which it was created with and gives you the option to upgrade to a later version if you want to.

It is recommended that you always upgrade everything to the latest version, but if it is important to you that the tool generates the same code which it did before, even years later, then you have the option of sticking with the version of the tool as it was back then when you last used it.

I can see that we really should bring out a document to describe all of this. Please let me know if this leaves some questions unanswered and I can try to clarify.


2018-12-13 15:56:00



    Extremely helpful @cobusive.
That's nearly everything answered. 
One thing that escapes me is, what exactly is the "core"? It would seem that the "Library" informs on how to create code for peripherals and may be part-specific. That "MCC" itself is the overall software framework that runs within MPLABX and handles part configuration and then generates the code by referring to the "Libraries". If that's right, how does the "core" fit in? What does it do? Can an upgraded "core" result in changes to output-code just as an updated "library" might? Or does it just improve efficiency? (I take it that an upgraded MCC perhaps results in changes to the MPLAB environment user experience, to the software interface?)
Thanks again.

