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骁龙神经处理引擎(Snapdragon Neural Processing Engine)

Premium tier Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ mobile platforms have extensive heterogeneous computing capabilities that are engineered to allow the running of trained neural networks on device without a need for connection to the cloud. The Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ Neural Processing Engine (NPE) SDK is designed to help developers run one or more neural network models trained in Caffe/Caffe2 or TensorFlow on Snapdragon mobile platforms, whether that is the CPU, GPU or DSP.

高级版Qualcomm®Snapdragon™移动平台具有广泛的异构计算功能,旨在允许在设备上运行受过训练的神经网络,而无需连接到云端。 Qualcomm®Snapdragon™神经处理引擎(NPE)SDK旨在帮助开发人员在Snapdragon移动平台上运行Caffe / Caffe2或TensorFlow培训的一个或多个神经网络模型,无论是CPU,GPU还是DSP。

The Snapdragon NPE is engineered to help developers save time and effort in optimizing performance of trained neural networks on devices with Snapdragon. It does this by providing tools for model conversion and execution as well as APIs for targeting the core with the power and performance profile to match the desired user experience. The Snapdragon NPE supports convolutional neural networks and custom layers.

Snapdragon NPE旨在帮助开发人员节省时间和精力来优化使用Snapdragon的设备上训练有素的神经网络的性能。 它通过提供用于模型转换和执行的工具以及针对核心的API,通过功能和性能配置文件来匹配所需的用户体验。 Snapdragon NPE支持卷积神经网络和用户自定义层。

The Snapdragon NPE does a lot of the heavy lifting needed to run neural networks on Snapdragon mobile platforms, which can help provide developers with more time and resources to focus on building new and innovative user experiences.

Snapdragon NPE在Snapdragon移动平台上运行神经网络所需的大量工作,可以帮助开发人员更多的时间和资源,专注于建立新的和创新的用户体验。

If you would like a more in-depth introduction to artificial intelligence and the Neural Processing SDK, we encourage you to view our Snapdragon and Artificial Intelligence at the Edge webinar, which provides an overview of what we have to offer.


What’s in the SDK?(SDK中有什么?)

  • Android and Linux runtimes for neural network model execution

  • Acceleration support for Qualcomm® Hexagon™ DSPs, Qualcomm® Adreno™ GPUs and Qualcomm® Kryo™, CPUs

  • Support for models in Caffe, Caffe2 and TensorFlow formats

  • APIs for controlling loading, execution and scheduling on the runtimes

  • Desktop tools for model conversion

  • Performance benchmark for bottleneck identification

  • Sample code and tutorials

  • HTML Documentation


To make the AI developer’s life easier, the Snapdragon NPE SDK does not define yet another library of network layers; instead it gives developers the freedom to design and train their networks using familiar frameworks, with Caffe/Caffe2 and TensorFlow being supported at launch. The development workflow is the following:

为了使AI开发人员的生活更轻松,Snapdragon NPE SDK还没有定义另一个网络层库; 相反,它使开发人员可以自由地使用熟悉的框架设计和训练他们的网络,Caffe / Caffe2和TensorFlow在启动时得到支持。 开发工作流程如下:

After designing and training, the model file needs to be converted into a “.dlc” (Deep Learning Container) file to be used by the Snapdragon NPE runtime. The conversion tool will output conversion statistics, including information about unsupported or non-accelerated layers, that the developer can use to adjust the design of the initial model.

在设计和培训之后,模型文件需要转换为“.dlc”(深度学习容器)文件供Snapdragon NPE运行时使用。 转换工具将输出转换统计信息,包括有关不受支持或非加速层的信息,开发人员可以使用这些信息来调整初始模型的设计。

Is the Snapdragon NPE SDK Right for You?(Snapdragon NPE SDK是否适合您?)

Developing for artificial intelligence using the Snapdragon NPE SDK does require a few prerequisites before you can get started creating solutions.

使用Snapdragon NPE SDK开发人造智能需要几个先决条件,才能开始创建解决方案。

  • You need to run a convolutional modell in one or multiple verticals, including mobile, automotive, IoT, AR, drones, and robotics

  • You know how to design and train a model or already have a pre-trained model file

  • Your framework of choice is Caffe/Caffe2 or TensorFlow

    您选择的框架是Caffe / Caffe2或TensorFlow
  • You make JAVA APPs for Android or native applications for Android or Linux

  • You have an Ubuntu 14.04 development environment

    您有一个Ubuntu 14.04开发环境
  • You have a supported device to test your application on


