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大家好。我使用PIC16F82接收RF信号(从应用原理图J1)打开PCB上的D12和D7 LED。我使用PICDEM Lab II来模拟逻辑电路(用LED指示器替换继电器来表示‘ON’状态或“OFF’状态”)。当拾取器3插入ICSP4报头时,电路起作用,这意味着它对接收到的RF信号作出适当的响应。然而,最近我注意到,当我测试电路没有皮卡时,它停止响应RF信号(当它应该的时候给出一个ON或OFF条件)。有一个指示器LED(D6在附加的应用电路)打开时,当我按下按钮馈入引脚RA4,所以我知道微控制器正在执行应用程序。我用PICDEM II板供电,使用120 VAC到9 VDC插件模块,输入到电路板上的J1终端。LED和射频板都连接到PICDEM实验室II的电路板上,并从PICDEM 2引脚接收VDD和VSS。我最近做的是从ICSP4头删除Pickit,并把皮卡的接地引脚连接到ICSP4板上的接地引脚,同时留下其他引脚。E PICIT 3从报头断开,电路工作良好,所以我知道在播放时最有可能出现接地问题。我只是不知道我能做些什么来纠正这个问题,特别是因为我使用的是一个从直流电源接地的原板。芯片本身有什么设置或是我应该尝试的吗?也许我可以试试其他的一些技巧?PIC的配置设置被附加。我还附上了我正在使用的PICDEM实验室2的示意图以及应用程序示意图。



    Hi All.  I am using the PIC16F882 to take in a RF signal (from J1 of application schematic) to turn on D12 and D7 LEDs on a PCB.  I used the PICDEM Lab II to prototype the logic circuit (replacing relays with LED indicators to represent 'ON' state or "OFF' state).  The circuit functions as intended when the PICkit 3 is plugged into the ICSP4 header which means it responds appropriately to RF signals it receives.  However, recently I noticed that when I test the circuit without the PiCkit it stops responding to the RF signals (giving an on or off condition when it should).  There is an indicator LED (D6 in attached application circuit) that turns on when I push the button feeding into pin RA4 so I know that the Microcontroller is executing the application.  I am powering the PICDEM II board using a 120 VAC to 9 VDC plug in module that feeds into the J1 terminal on the board.  The LEDs and RF board are all wired to the breadboard on the PICDEM Lab II and receive VDD and VSS from the PICDEM 2 pins.

What I recently did was remove the Pickit from the ICSP4 header and attached the ground pin of the PicKit to the ground pin on the ICSP4 board while leaving the other pins on the PIckit 3 disconnected from the header, and the circuit works fine so I know there is most likely a grounding issue at play.  I just don't know what I can do to correct the issue especially since I am using a proto board that is receiving ground from the dc power supply that is plugged into the board.  Is there a setting or something within the chip itself I should try?  Or maybe some other grounding tricks I can try?  The configuration settings for the PIC are attached.  I have also attached the schematics of the PICDEM Lab 2 I am using along with the application schematic.
   Attached Image(s)



2018-9-12 12:15:39
HI,如果周围有RF,确保没有连接到PIC输入的接线,作为天线。编程引脚可以使用4K7欧姆电阻器拉到GND,当拾取3没有连接时,不使用的引脚不应该作为输入浮动。相反,应该配置为输出和驱动低,见数据表。PIC16F82也有一个PGM引脚,确保保持低,连接到GND,或使用电阻GND。/MCLR引脚拉到+5V 2.2K欧姆电阻器似乎不错。迈西尔



If there is RF around, make sure there are no wiring connected to PIC inputs, acting as antennas . 
Programming pins may be pulled to GND using 4k7 ohm resistors, when PICkit 3 is not connected,
Pins that are not used, should Not be left floating as Inputs.  
Instead should be configured as Outputs and driven Low,  see datasheet.
PIC16F882  also have a PGM pin, make sure to keep it Low, connect to GND, or use a resistor to GND.
/MCLR pin pulled to +5V by 2.2k Ohm resistor seem OK.


2018-9-12 12:33:53
Mysil,看着我的设计,我确实有一些未被使用的输入,我把这些输入设置为对端口A、B和C重新配置三态缓冲器的输出。我的设计中的PGM引脚实际上被使用,并且有一个串联的LED /电阻器。在重新配置三态缓冲器之后,芯片开始正确工作。非常奇怪,皮卡地如何减轻浮动输入的影响之前。谢谢你的建议,因为我要把这些变量联系起来要困难得多。



    Mysil, looking at my design I did have some inputs that were being unused and I set these inputs as outputs by reconfiguring the tristate buffers for PORTS A, B, and C.  The PGM pin in my design is actually being used and has an LED / Resistor in series that ties to ground.  After reconfiguring the tristate buffers, the chip began to function correctly.  Very strange how the pickit ground mitigated the effects of the floating inputs before.  Thanks for the suggestions as I would have had a much harder time tying these variables together.

