DCM就是数字时钟管理单元( Digital Clock Manager)。DCM 当中包含一个 DLL(延迟锁定
电路 Delay-Locked Loop),可以提供对时钟信号的二倍频和分频功能,并且能够维持各输出时钟之间的相位关系,即零时钟偏差。
DCM,是Xilinx FPGA独有的时钟管理单元,可以实现时钟频率综合、相位偏移等功能。在每个器件对应的“Clocking Resources User Guide”能找到详细定义和用法描述
Digital Clock Managers (DCMs) provide advanced clocking capabili
ties to Spartan-6
FPGA applications. Primarily, DCMs eliminate clock skew, thereby improving system
performance. Similarly, a DCM optionally phase shifts the clock output to delay the
incoming clock by a fraction of the clock period. DCMs optionally multiply or divide the
incoming clock frequency to synthesize a new clock frequency. The DCMs integrate
directly with the global low-skew clock distribution network.