

10年用户 42经验值
擅长:嵌入式技术 控制/MCU
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$ y( Y1 h$ x! y! y- Z; V * Function:  RTC初始化函数0 R) ^+ t8 w4 L: K' Z
* parameter+ @& S3 }* w( [6 p' C& P
* Return
5 E/ n* n0 F- w8 l. g9 f  ^/ g * Modify:
: w' f/ M6 j3 V**************************************************/3 a% ]1 B3 X4 L  a
void RTC_Time_Init(void)
) M# E/ Q- K, c0 U{% \! ?9 Y: f: a( ~# w- ?% }
  cur_time.year = 17; //设置时间+ ^  _' p# G- C7 Q$ h7 p
  cur_time.month = 3;4 i1 @. y8 Q7 S* A9 n$ r; E0 l
  cur_time.date = 23;
- M+ P8 e" j; A  cur_time.weekday = 4;
+ Q% |% o* E+ M  cur_time.hr = 23;( Z2 G6 A+ S6 F& G
  cur_time.min = 58;
, Z; I) R/ c, q- ^: w  cur_time.sec = 0;
6 }$ M0 ?0 i2 V  Time_Run.WeekDays_DATA =cur_time.weekday;5 z& m' g' J( J! b" h. y+ F
  MicoRtcSetTime(&cur_time);            //初始化 RTC 时钟的时间
/ N/ \2 _* `4 o5 v& Z" H}9 S+ H% G0 ?5 F+ W! ?, Q5 M8 ?( y
  }8 V2 a# h5 d2 G# c5 O1 O * Function:  RTC时间允许读取函数) n7 o& A9 |/ P9 X5 t8 y
* parameter
- h: \" i8 x. M7 ^7 c' ?: U * Return# N3 S- q, s% h
* Modify:
( X3 _, R1 g+ P- v9 o0 ]1 D**************************************************/
5 x0 W& }1 v+ o% Q5 Fvoid RTC_Time_Run(unsigned int arg)
4 R/ x6 s# h$ r5 U2 D{
; d$ i$ ], J. ?4 q$ v* X* ]% o  RTC_Time_Init();4 C" p1 c* p+ K9 R2 [  ~4 D
while(1)8 a2 T6 q" I; i9 O" S
{8 T0 {( P) S2 ^" X* p
  MicoRtcGetTime(&cur_time); //返回新的时间值
3 D/ n! F: ?& ]# G- U/ t }
7 a9 s' ~0 [& a# L( f+ }- A/ Z! y2 v}: ]* f/ C* G0 d4 V; B# Q
int application_start( void )( p) N. e+ a5 J% B( M
{ : A9 h/ q, Y3 s' V1 N- M5 ^
  OSStatus err = kNoErr;
0 J6 A9 y2 P6 T( G6 T) r2 x4 v$ G" _. V8 |. ~" J% P( M  Z5 v4 t
  MicoInit();% f* O6 g- A% w* M( f! }
* k; X* G3 ~9 o" G$ m$ o& v3 R
  /* Start MiCO system functions according to mico_config.h, 1 f* h3 A% ~& G& y  M
     Define macro MICO_WLAN_CONNECTION_ENABLE to enable wlan connection function% [5 v7 t% I) Q+ O2 h
     Select wlan configuration mode: MICO_CONFIG_MODE
, f. [( X# V  }  @     Define EasyLink settings */* l0 x- w& I5 D2 n# a
  err = mico_system_init( mico_system_context_init( 0 ) );, I9 ?- y, E$ X/ U: |* E; x) D
4 ~7 S- {: n3 |
  /* Register user function when wlan connection status is changed */7 K5 @7 i" K5 q
  err = mico_system_notify_register( mico_notify_WIFI_STATUS_CHANGED, (void *)micoNotify_WifiStatusHandler, NULL );
0 n! _# i% c! \( ^- f4 N+ v2 B! O1 q- G9 _
  /* Register user function when wlan connection is faile in one attempt */- c1 N9 ~7 w+ h. p6 V- z
  err = mico_system_notify_register( mico_notify_WIFI_CONNECT_FAILED, (void *)micoNotify_ConnectFailedHandler, NULL );. J7 M, m$ r2 [+ w0 }. x
4 R7 S9 e  ^5 h1 m. o9 |
  ext_rgb_led_log("rgb led conrtol demo(RGB_MODE)");
0 b! D" s- E1 f: Z. [  /*创建一个时间运行线程*/
, i8 j+ C; \- R/ l& k4 I  err = mico_rtos_create_thread(NULL,MICO_APPLICATION_PRIORITY,"RTC Time Run",RTC_Time_Run,200,NULL);//创建并启动一个新的线程
1 i. ]. D* n. H8 R+ y: Q$ x  J& w; S7 \8 n* n" O
  /*初始化 RGB LED(P9813)*/ . ?  p1 C4 o* A" ~# j5 H, c
1 N8 y! K  {, ?  MicoGpioOutputHigh(MICO_RF_LED);
8 R" u  G. i' h& R$ w  //while(1) { 6 J% d9 Y' N7 A$ D) L' t2 X1 @
  /*RGB LED亮红灯,#FF0000*/
8 x8 c) X% t; b: s  //  rgb_led_open(255, 0, 0); ; ^# X9 ]5 K) d  Q' j
  // mico_thread_sleep(1);
( }3 x7 B. {# Q  /*RGB LED亮绿灯 #00FF00*/
0 `3 s  _# r9 Y# ~  w9 F6 W+ x# j  //  rgb_led_open(0, 255, 0);
7 n+ |7 V. f8 P& p7 I# {  //  mico_thread_sleep(1); $ z& s* v) b' M, Y- g" I9 I
  /*RGB LED亮蓝灯,#0000FF*/ ( G; H" u- r  a# Q4 e9 ^  d
  //   rgb_led_open(0, 0, 255); ( ]! Y* i4 L  Z. W3 f- ~5 u
  //  mico_thread_sleep(1); ; _; t/ q/ H3 e5 Z8 J4 D
  // }*/
# O4 v7 b9 f+ _: l. E  /*LED1初始化*/
* _/ o6 I1 i2 r* N3 T) Q0 R- J/ C: R& o  err = RUN_LED_init();0 {& z+ z2 e( r8 D" H+ v
! S" p3 b' ~' N: i) ]- n6 P/ H
  /* 初始化 直流电机 */
+ A  B: M8 @3 k. P  err = dc_motor_init();   M0 s9 M; O  b: D" c5 w1 P

' U  L% a. Y" Y& S9 i* w$ \9 m8 g4 f9 K. Y8 f3 Y  z& r$ f' N
  /*初始化 温度 湿度*/
: i* }& {) a6 C( s& p+ L  err = DHT11_Init();
) y& V* O7 E: Y4 S0 r  V! f, d$ d4 E' }5 p8 B" f; _# c
* e- {5 M+ k' R8 y$ p
  /*初始化 光发射二极管*/ % K0 }# D7 t# P$ m
. e; G$ t9 x8 {- V: n- F  OLED_ShowString(0, 2, " Le Ju Le Yun");
8 H% A! P0 U, u/ N' A% S8 G% J" [" L, u' p) O6 b
. P$ V, n) f# T  l  err = light_sensor_init(); * h) V$ Z2 P; @/ |0 Q/ w% a
3 t# V$ g$ A! _" U7 |
+ P5 i( K. [" L% y2 H# O  GPIO_KEY_Init();3 e0 M. s& k2 J1 K4 K, l* R
) |- t6 Q0 @% \. _9 ?) @
1 w2 s. Q; l* m3 f$ E% x/ u4 W  return err;+ C) J9 _& i& s! P
}, f- I6 F( v% Z7 H( Y

6 f6 U2 N. n' T$ t" z9 x* A! R& E4 Q. c6 o3 N- K



2017-4-19 16:34:17

