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编程框架: idf-5.0
LVGL: V7.11 [基本信息] 基于idf-5.0框架的rgb_panel示例修改, 手里的显示屏驱动芯片为ST7701S, 接口RGB565, 分辨率800*480 [问题] 使用的防撕裂方式为两个信号量"sem_vsync_end, sem_gui_ready", 与idf示例相同, 双buf缓冲. 问题是"LCD_PIXEL_CLOCK_HZ"这个参数目前限制在了12MHz, 超过这个值后显示的画面会发生器偏移(右移), 但是rgb_panel的示例可以18MHz刷新, 并且查阅网上其他类似项目也可以在18MHz跑, 画面会流畅很多 请问我的跑不到18MHz是为什么? 是代码的问题还是显示屏的问题? [初始化代码]Code: Select all /* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 */#include #include "sdkconfig.h"#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"#include "freertos/task.h"#include "freertos/semphr.h"#include "esp_timer.h"#include "esp_lcd_panel_ops.h"#include "esp_lcd_panel_rgb.h"#include "driver/gpio.h"#include "esp_err.h"#include "esp_log.h"#include "bsp_board.h"#include "lvgl.h"#include "rgb_lcd.h"#include "my_spi.h"#include "gt911.h"#include "tca9554.h"static const char *TAG = "rgb_lcd";//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Please update the following configuration according to your LCD spec //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#define LCD_PIXEL_CLOCK_HZ (12 * 1000 * 1000)#define LCD_BK_LIGHT_ON_LEVEL 1#define LCD_BK_LIGHT_OFF_LEVEL !LCD_BK_LIGHT_ON_LEVEL#define LCD_PIN_NUM_BK_LIGHT (-1)#define LCD_PIN_NUM_HSYNC GPIO_LCD_HSYNC#define LCD_PIN_NUM_VSYNC GPIO_LCD_VSYNC#define LCD_PIN_NUM_DE GPIO_LCD_DE#define LCD_PIN_NUM_PCLK GPIO_LCD_PCLK#define LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA0 GPIO_LCD_D00 // B0#define LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA1 GPIO_LCD_D01 // B1#define LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA2 GPIO_LCD_D02 // B2#define LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA3 GPIO_LCD_D03 // B3#define LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA4 GPIO_LCD_D04 // B4#define LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA5 GPIO_LCD_D05 // G0#define LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA6 GPIO_LCD_D06 // G1#define LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA7 GPIO_LCD_D07 // G2#define LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA8 GPIO_LCD_D08 // G3#define LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA9 GPIO_LCD_D09 // G4#define LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA10 GPIO_LCD_D10 // G5#define LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA11 GPIO_LCD_D11 // R0#define LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA12 GPIO_LCD_D12 // R1#define LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA13 GPIO_LCD_D13 // R2#define LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA14 GPIO_LCD_D14 // R3#define LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA15 GPIO_LCD_D15 // R4#define LCD_PIN_NUM_DISP_EN GPIO_LCD_DISP_EN// The pixel number in horizontal and vertical#define LCD_H_RES 480#define LCD_V_RES 800#define LCD_SCR_SIZE (LCD_H_RES * LCD_V_RES)static const uint32_t tick_inc_period_ms = 2;// we use two semaphores to sync the VSYNC event and the LVGL task, to avoid potential tearing effect#if CONFIG_EXAMPLE_AVOID_TEAR_EFFECT_WITH_SEMSemaphoreHandle_t sem_vsync_end;SemaphoreHandle_t sem_gui_ready;#endifstatic bool example_on_vsync_event(esp_lcd_panel_handle_t panel, const esp_lcd_rgb_panel_event_data_t *event_data, void *user_data){ BaseType_t high_task_awoken = pdFALSE;#if CONFIG_EXAMPLE_AVOID_TEAR_EFFECT_WITH_SEM if (xSemaphoreTakeFromISR(sem_gui_ready, &high_task_awoken) == pdTRUE) { xSemaphoreGiveFromISR(sem_vsync_end, &high_task_awoken); }#endif return high_task_awoken == pdTRUE;}static IRAM_ATTR void lvgl_flush_cb(lv_disp_drv_t *drv, const lv_area_t *area, lv_color_t *color_map){ esp_lcd_panel_handle_t panel_handle = (esp_lcd_panel_handle_t) drv->user_data; int offsetx1 = area->x1; int offsetx2 = area->x2; int offsety1 = area->y1; int offsety2 = area->y2;#if CONFIG_EXAMPLE_AVOID_TEAR_EFFECT_WITH_SEM xSemaphoreGive(sem_gui_ready); xSemaphoreTake(sem_vsync_end, portMAX_DELAY);#endif // pass the draw buffer to the driver esp_lcd_panel_draw_bitmap(panel_handle, offsetx1, offsety1, offsetx2 + 1, offsety2 + 1, color_map); lv_disp_flush_ready(drv);}static IRAM_ATTR bool lvgl_read_cb(lv_indev_drv_t * indev_drv, lv_indev_data_t * data){ static uint8_t tp_num = 0; static uint16_t x = 0, y = 0; gt911_get_touch(&tp_num, &x, &y); if (0 == tp_num) { data->state = LV_INDEV_STATE_REL; } else { /* not swap xy */ data->point.x = x; data->point.y = y; data->state = LV_INDEV_STATE_PR;// ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Touch (%d): [X-%d,Y-%d]", tp_num, x, y); } return false;}static void lvgl_increase_tick(void *arg){ /* Tell LVGL how many milliseconds has elapsed */ lv_tick_inc(tick_inc_period_ms);}static void lv_handler_task(void *pvparam){ static TickType_t tick; tick = xTaskGetTickCount(); while (1) { // The task running lv_timer_handler should have lower priority than that running `lv_tick_inc` lv_task_handler(); // raise the task priority of LVGL and/or reduce the handler period can improve the performance vTaskDelayUntil(&tick, pdMS_TO_TICKS(10)); }}esp_err_t rgb_lcd_init(void){ static lv_disp_buf_t disp_buf; // contains internal graphic buffer(s) called draw buffer(s) static lv_disp_drv_t disp_drv; // contains callback functions#if CONFIG_EXAMPLE_AVOID_TEAR_EFFECT_WITH_SEM ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Create 2 semaphores"); sem_vsync_end = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); assert(sem_vsync_end); sem_gui_ready = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); assert(sem_gui_ready);#endif ESP_LOGI(TAG, "SPI config parameters to rgb lcd."); lcd_on_sequence(); vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(100));#if LCD_PIN_NUM_BK_LIGHT >= 0 ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Turn off LCD backlight"); gpio_config_t bk_gpio_config = { .mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT, .pin_bit_mask = 1ULL << LCD_PIN_NUM_BK_LIGHT }; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(gpio_config(&bk_gpio_config));#endif /* Init LCD config */ ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Install RGB LCD panel driver"); esp_lcd_panel_handle_t panel_handle = NULL; esp_lcd_rgb_panel_config_t panel_config = { .data_width = 16, // RGB565 in parallel mode, thus 16bit in width .psram_trans_align = 64,#if CONFIG_EXAMPLE_USE_BOUNCE_BUFFER .bounce_buffer_size_px = 10 * EXAMPLE_LCD_H_RES,#endif .clk_src = LCD_CLK_SRC_PLL240M, .disp_gpio_num = LCD_PIN_NUM_DISP_EN, .pclk_gpio_num = LCD_PIN_NUM_PCLK, .vsync_gpio_num = LCD_PIN_NUM_VSYNC, .hsync_gpio_num = LCD_PIN_NUM_HSYNC, .de_gpio_num = LCD_PIN_NUM_DE, .data_gpio_nums = { LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA0, LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA1, LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA2, LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA3, LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA4, LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA5, LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA6, LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA7, LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA8, LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA9, LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA10, LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA11, LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA12, LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA13, LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA14, LCD_PIN_NUM_DATA15, }, .timings = { .pclk_hz = LCD_PIXEL_CLOCK_HZ, .h_res = LCD_H_RES, .v_res = LCD_V_RES, // The following parameters should refer to LCD spec .hsync_back_porch = 40, .hsync_front_porch = 80, .hsync_pulse_width = 2, .vsync_back_porch = 30, .vsync_front_porch = 30, .vsync_pulse_width = 2, .flags.pclk_active_neg = true, }, .flags.fb_in_psram = true, // allocate frame buffer in PSRAM#if CONFIG_EXAMPLE_DOUBLE_FB .flags.double_fb = true, // allocate double frame buffer#endif // CONFIG_EXAMPLE_DOUBLE_FB }; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_lcd_new_rgb_panel(&panel_config, &panel_handle)); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Register event vsync callbacks"); esp_lcd_rgb_panel_event_callbacks_t cbs = { .on_vsync = example_on_vsync_event, }; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_lcd_rgb_panel_register_event_callbacks(panel_handle, &cbs, &disp_drv)); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Initialize RGB LCD panel"); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_lcd_panel_reset(panel_handle)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_lcd_panel_init(panel_handle)); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Initialize LVGL library"); lv_init(); void *buf1 = NULL; void *buf2 = NULL; uint32_t flush_size = (LCD_SCR_SIZE / 4);#if CONFIG_EXAMPLE_DOUBLE_FB ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Use frame buffers as LVGL draw buffers"); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_lcd_rgb_panel_get_frame_buffer(panel_handle, 2, &buf1, &buf2)); // initialize LVGL draw buffers lv_disp_buf_init(&disp_buf, buf1, buf2, EXAMPLE_LCD_H_RES * EXAMPLE_LCD_V_RES);#else ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Allocate separate LVGL draw buffers from PSRAM"); buf1 = heap_caps_malloc(flush_size * sizeof(lv_color_t), MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM); assert(buf1); buf2 = heap_caps_malloc(flush_size * sizeof(lv_color_t), MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM); assert(buf2); if (NULL == buf1 || NULL == buf2) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "No free mem for allocating lvgl display buffer."); return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; } // initialize LVGL draw buffers lv_disp_buf_init(&disp_buf, buf1, buf2, flush_size);// lv_disp_buf_init(&disp_buf, buf1, NULL, flush_size);#endif // CONFIG_EXAMPLE_DOUBLE_FB ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Register display driver to LVGL"); lv_disp_drv_init(&disp_drv); disp_drv.hor_res = LCD_H_RES; disp_drv.ver_res = LCD_V_RES; disp_drv.flush_cb = lvgl_flush_cb; disp_drv.buffer = &disp_buf; //disp_buf for lvgl 7.11.0 disp_drv.user_data = panel_handle;#if CONFIG_EXAMPLE_DOUBLE_FB// disp_drv.full_refresh = true; // the full_refresh mode can maintain the synchronization between the two frame buffers#endif lv_disp_drv_register(&disp_drv); /* Init touchpad driver */ ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Initialize gt911 touch pad driver."); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(gt911_init()); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Register input devcie and callback."); lv_indev_drv_t indev_drv; lv_indev_drv_init(&indev_drv); indev_drv.type = LV_INDEV_TYPE_POINTER; indev_drv.read_cb = lvgl_read_cb; lv_indev_drv_register(&indev_drv); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Install LVGL tick timer"); // Tick interface for LVGL (using esp_timer to generate 2ms periodic event) const esp_timer_create_args_t lvgl_tick_timer_args = { .callback = &lvgl_increase_tick, .name = "lvgl_tick", .arg = (void*)&tick_inc_period_ms, .dispatch_method = ESP_TIMER_TASK, .skip_unhandled_events = true, }; esp_timer_handle_t lvgl_tick_timer = NULL; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_timer_create(&lvgl_tick_timer_args, &lvgl_tick_timer)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_timer_start_periodic(lvgl_tick_timer, tick_inc_period_ms * 1000)); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Create a task for 'lv_handler_task'."); if (pdPASS != xTaskCreatePinnedToCore ( (TaskFunction_t) lv_handler_task, (const char * const) "LVGL Handler Task", (const uint32_t) 4 * 1024, (void * const) NULL, (UBaseType_t) (configMAX_PRIORITIES - 2), (TaskHandle_t * const) NULL, (BaseType_t) tskNO_AFFINITY )) { return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; } //FreeRTOS 任务优先级数字越小, 优先级越低#if LCD_PIN_NUM_BK_LIGHT >= 0 ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Turn on LCD backlight"); gpio_set_level(LCD_PIN_NUM_BK_LIGHT, LCD_BK_LIGHT_ON_LEVEL);#endif ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Display part is initialize OK now!"); return ESP_OK;}/** * @brief LCD power on sequence * */void lcd_on_sequence(void){ //Hardware Reset: 1 -> 0 -> 1 io_level.lcd_rst = 1; tca9554_write_output_pins(io_level.val); vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(5)); io_level.lcd_rst = 0; tca9554_write_output_pins(io_level.val); vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(5)); io_level.lcd_rst = 1; tca9554_write_output_pins(io_level.val); vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(120)); spi_lcd_on_handler();}/** * @brief LCD power off sequence * */void lcd_off_sequence(void){ spi_lcd_off_handler(); vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(10)); io_level.lcd_rst = 0; tca9554_write_output_pins(io_level.val); vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(100));} |
该问题通常是因为 RGB 需要连续数据输出,当 Flash 或其他应用程序禁用或抢占 PSRAM 带宽时,数据传输将无法跟上 RGB 的时钟速度,从而导致永久的屏幕漂移。 解决方法: 请先尝试文档中的方法优化工程的配置并尽量降低 PCLK,如果需要使用 Wifi 和连续写 Flash 的操作,请使用 "PSRAM XIP" + "RGB Bounce buffer" 的方法,开启步骤如下: 确认 IDF 版本为较新(> 2022.12.12)的 release/v5.0 及以上,因为旧版本不支持 "PSRAM XIP" 的功能 确认 PSRAM 配置里面是否能开启 SPIRAM_FETCH_INSTRUCTIONS 和 SPIRAM_RODATA 这两项(如果 rodata 段数据过大,会导致 PSRAM 内存不够) 确认内存(SRAM)是否有余量,大概需要占用 10 * screen_width * 4 字节 需要将 Data cache line size 设置为 64 Byte(可设置 Data cache line size 为 32KB 以节省内存) 如以上均符合条件,那么就可以参考文档修改 RGB 驱动(RGB 驱动里加上一行代码 .bounce_buffer_size_px = 10 * 屏幕宽度) 如操作 Wifi 仍存在屏幕漂移问题,可以尝试关闭 PSRAM 里 CONFIG_SPIRAM_TRY_ALLOCATE_WIFI_LWIP 一项(会占用较大 SRAM) 开启后带来的影响: CPU 使用率升高 可能会造成中断看门狗复位 会造成较大内存开销 |
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