[文章]【HarmonyOS HiSpark AI Camera试用连载 】Uboot 支持的指令分享及env参数记录


在上电后立即输入任意按键可以进入AI camera的uboot,uboot支持的指令可以通过下help查看全部指令如下
  1. hisilicon # help
  2. ?         - alias for 'help'
  3. base      - print or set address offset
  4. bdinfo    - print Board Info structure
  5. boot      - boot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'
  6. bootd     - boot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'
  7. bootelf   - Boot from an ELF image in memory
  8. bootm     - boot application image from memory
  9. bootp     - boot image via network using BOOTP/TFTP protocol
  10. bootvx    - Boot vxWorks from an ELF image
  11. cmp       - memory compare
  12. coninfo   - print console devices and information
  13. cp        - memory copy
  14. crc32     - checksum calculation
  15. dcache    - enable or disable data cache
  16. ddr       - ddr training function
  17. decjpg    - jpgd   - decode jpeg picture.
  18. decjpg [format]
  19. dhcp      - boot image via network using DHCP/TFTP protocol
  20. dm        - Driver model low level access
  21. echo      - echo args to console
  22. editenv   - edit environment variable
  23. env       - environment handling commands
  24. exit      - exit script
  25. false     - do nothing, unsuccessfully
  26. fatinfo   - print information about filesystem
  27. fatload   - load binary file from a dos filesystem
  28. fatls     - list files in a directory (default /)
  29. fatsize   - determine a file's size
  30. getinfo   - print hardware information
  31. go        - start application at address 'addr'
  32. go_cpu1   - Perform power on and unreset  CPU1_A7
  33. gzwrite   - unzip and write memory to block device
  34. help      - print command description/usage
  35. icache    - enable or disable instruction cache
  36. iminfo    - print header information for application image
  37. imxtract  - extract a part of a multi-image
  38. itest     - return true/false on integer compare
  39. loadb     - load binary file over serial line (kermit mode)
  40. loads     - load S-Record file over serial line
  41. loadx     - load binary file over serial line (xmodem mode)
  42. loady     - load binary file over serial line (ymodem mode)
  43. loop      - infinite loop on address range
  44. md        - memory display
  45. mii       - MII utility commands
  46. mm        - memory modify (auto-incrementing address)
  47. mmc       - MMC sub system
  48. mmcinfo   - display MMC info
  49. mw        - memory write (fill)
  50. nfs       - boot image via network using NFS protocol
  51. nm        - memory modify (constant address)
  52. ping      - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network host
  53. printenv  - print environment variables
  54. reset     - Perform RESET of the CPU
  55. run       - run commands in an environment variable
  56. saveenv   - save environment variables to persistent storage
  57. setenv    - set environment variables
  58. setexpr   - set environment variable as the result of eval expression
  59. setvobg   - setvobg   - set vo backgroud color.
  60.         - setvobg [dev color]
  61. showvar   - print local hushshell variables
  62. sleep     - delay execution for some time
  63. source    - run script from memory
  64. startgx   - startgx   - open graphics layer.
  65.         - startgx [layer addr stride x y w h]

  66. startvl   - startvl   - open video layer.
  67.         - startvl [layer addr stride x y w h]

  68. startvo   - startvo   - open vo device with a certain output interface.
  69.         - startvo [dev intftype sync]
  70. stopgx    - stopgx   - close graphics layer.
  71.         - stopgx [layer]
  72. stopvl    - stopvl   - close video layer.
  73.         - stopvl [layer]
  74. stopvo    - stopvo   - close interface of vo device.
  75.         - stopvo [dev]
  76. test      - minimal test like /bin/sh
  77. tftpboot  - boot image via network using TFTP protocol
  78. true      - do nothing, successfully
  79. unzip     - unzip a memory region
  80. u***       - USB sub-system
  81. u***boot   - boot from USB device
  82. version   - print monitor, compiler and linker version
help XXX
  1. hisilicon # help u***
  2. u*** - USB sub-system

  3. Usage:
  4. u*** start - start (scan) USB controller
  5. u*** reset - reset (rescan) USB controller
  6. u*** stop [f] - stop USB [f]=force stop
  7. u*** tree - show USB device tree
  8. u*** info [dev] - show available USB devices
  9. u*** test [dev] [port] [mode] - set USB 2.0 test mode
  10.     (specify port 0 to indicate the device's upstream port)
  11.     Available modes: J, K, S[E0_NAK], P[acket], F[orce_Enable]
  12. u*** storage - show details of USB storage devices
  13. u*** dev [dev] - show or set current USB storage device
  14. u*** part [dev] - print partition table of one or all USB storage    devices
  15. u*** read addr blk# cnt - read `cnt' blocks starting at block `blk#'
  16.     to memory address `addr'
  17. u*** write addr blk# cnt - write `cnt' blocks starting at block `blk#'
  18.     from memory address `addr'
  19. hisilicon #
最后记录下当前的uboot env
通过env print查看如下
  1. hisilicon # env print
  2. arch=arm
  3. baudrate=115200
  4. board=hi3516dv300
  5. board_name=hi3516dv300
  6. bootargs=console=ttyAMA0,115200n8 root=emmc fstype=vfat rootaddr=10M rootsize=15M rw
  7. bootcmd=mmc read 0x0 0x80000000 0x800 0x4800; go 0x80000000
  8. bootdelay=2
  9. cpu=armv7
  10. ethact=eth0
  11. soc=hi3516dv300
  12. stderr=serial
  13. stdin=serial
  14. stdout=serial
  15. vendor=hisilicon
  16. verify=n

  17. Environment size: 329/262140 bytes
  18. hisilicon #


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