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嗨,我正在做一些漂亮的时间关键的东西,我有两个while语句,一个上面,一个在我的代码下面……(PurdBoist.RD0= 0){} PigTrimeStudio [PixByTeTyCaleCuth] = Posie;PixyByTeTyCalp+++;而(PotdButs.RD0= 1){},当RD0很高时,我基本上加载一个数组,但是这个代码只是不完全F。够了……有谁知道我怎么能在汇编程序中做到这两个?谢谢
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, I'm doing some pretty time critical stuff and I have two while statements, one above and one below my code.. while(PORTDbits.RD0==0){} picture_array[pic_byte_count]=PORTE; pic_byte_count++; while(PORTDbits.RD0==1){} I am basically loading an array when RD0 is high but this code is just not quite fast enough... Does anyone know how I can make those two whiles in assembler? Thanks |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I doubt the while is the issue. Try a pointer for the array Did you look at the ASM to see what is slow? |
每个RD0周期只有365s,PIC32运行在200兆赫。它不够快,它占大多数,但似乎到达一个点,然后错过一个,并且在获得图像时周期性地这样做。我不能再减慢相机上的FIFO时钟。D我已经运行了尽可能低的输入频率到相机。所以我需要尽可能瘦这个代码,MT XC32并不惊人…这里的任何帮助都将非常感谢。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I only have 365s for each cycle of RD0 and the PIC32 is running at 200Mhz. It's just not quite fast enough, it gets the majority but seems to get to a point then misses one, and does this periodically throughout obtaining the image. I am unable to slow down the FIFO clock on the camera any further and I'm already running the lowest possible input frequency to the camera. So I need to slim this code down as much as possible and mt XC32 isn't amazing... Any help here would be very much appreciated. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Interrupt takes 330ns, am trying that but it's not ideal as it's cutting it pretty close. DMA?. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 As others have said: Check the assembly output. Also make sure to use the highest optimization. Things like:wait_for_high: if(!PORTD & 1) goto wait_for_high might (or might not) be faster. /Ruben |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Recalculating the array index on every loop has GOT to be slowing you down. It would be far better to have a precalculated pointer, and increment the pointer. You didn't show the whole loop, but something like this... unsigned char * byteptr = picture_array for(.....) //start of main loop { while(PORTDbits.RD0==0) ; *byteptr++ = PORTE; while(PORTDbits.RD0==1) ; } |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Your PIC may have a PMP module which you may be able to use instead of bit-banging. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Recalculating the array index on every loop has GOT to be slowing you down. It would be far better to have a precalculated pointer, and increment the pointer. You didn't show the whole loop, but something like this... unsigned char * byteptr = picture_array for(.....) //start of main loop { while(PORTDbits.RD0==0) ; *byteptr++ = PORTE; while(PORTDbits.RD0==1) ; } Thanks I'll try that |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 What is the Part number of your PIC. If you PIC has a Parallel port (PMP) and DMA it can read the data via Hardware. |
我已经完全按照OP的要求做了,即从端口读取图像传感器的像素数据到数组。最快的方法是忽略PMP模块(太慢了),并使用DMA模块直接从端口读取到数组,使用连接到PIXCLK的外部中断管脚初始化。对于ElliotHC:我有几种实现此操作的方法,这取决于PIXCLK是否用LINE_VALID进行门控。如果您给出以下细节,我可能会帮助您编写一些代码:-分辨率(X_Res和Y_Res)。每个像素的位PIXCLK是自由运行的,还是在LINE_VALIDIS LINE_VALILID上进行门控在框架上有效
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I have done exactly what the OP wants, i.e. reading pixel data from an image sensor from a port into an array. The fastest way is to ignore the PMP module (it's too slow) and use the DMA module to read directly from the port to the array, using an external Interrupt pin connected to PIXCLK to initiate the cell transfers. To ElliotHC: I have a couple of ways of doing this, depending on if PIXCLK is gated with LINE_VALID. If you give the following details, I can probably help out with some code:- Resolution (X_Res and Y_Res). Bits per pixel Is PIXCLK free-running or gated on LINE_VALID Is LINE_VALID gated on FRAME_VALID |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 It's a PIC32MZ2048EFM064. Thanks. The sensor outputs a JPG and it seems that the more complex the image the less of it I get out of the sensor (HREF being high) PIXCLK can be free running or gated as these are set in the JPG modes.. in Mode 1 HREF goes high and you read D2-D9 (PORTE) for all the PCLK 'high' for the duration HREF is high. Mode 2 is similare but PCLK is free running and VSYNC toggles for the start of the frame. You are able to set if they are gated or not... My problem is this... If I reduce the PLL so that I am able to read the FIFO with my PIC32 at 200MHZ then it's almost as if the next image is coming in and filling up the FIFO before I can read the previous one out... If I reduce the PLL divider then I get more image but then I get to a point where the PIC isn't fast enough. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 The following code sets up the DMA channels 3-6 in chained mode to read up to 256k into a buffer. The code:- Configures DMA Waits for Frame Valid to be low (in case of middle of previous frame) Waits for Rising edge on Frame Valid Kicks off DMA (which channel depends on size of transfer) Waits for DMA to complete Or Frame Valid to fall. Disables DMA channels. As is it uses INT2 for PIXCLK, but you can use any INT via PPS, just change the vector number for CHSIRQ. There are some macros (like READPORT()) which will need changing, but they should be obvious. #define MT_PORT PORTE int MT_ReadFrame(uint8_t *buf) { BITCLR(MT_OE); //MT9V output enable int len=MT_XRES*MT_YRES+1; int nch=(len)/65535; uint8_t *dst; if (buf) dst=buf; else dst=MTFrameBuf; INTCONbits.INT2EP=0; IFS0bits.INT2IF=0; DCH3CON=0; DCH3ECON=0; DCH3SSA=VirtToPhys((void*)&MT_PORT); DCH3SSIZ=1; DCH3CSIZ=1; DCH3ECONbits.CHSIRQ=13; // INT2 DCH3ECONbits.SIRQEN=1; DCH4CON=0; DCH4ECON=0; DCH4SSA=VirtToPhys((void*)&MT_PORT); DCH4SSIZ=1; DCH4CSIZ=1; DCH4ECONbits.CHSIRQ=13; // INT2 DCH4ECONbits.SIRQEN=1; DCH5CON=0; DCH5ECON=0; DCH5SSA=VirtToPhys((void*)&MT_PORT); DCH5SSIZ=1; DCH5CSIZ=1; DCH5ECONbits.CHSIRQ=13; // INT2 DCH5ECONbits.SIRQEN=1; DCH6CON=0; DCH6ECON=0; DCH6SSA=VirtToPhys((void*)&MT_PORT); DCH6SSIZ=1; DCH6CSIZ=1; DCH6ECONbits.CHSIRQ=13; // INT2 DCH6ECONbits.SIRQEN=1; DCH7CON=0; DCH7ECON=0; DCH7SSA=VirtToPhys((void*)&MT_PORT); DCH7SSIZ=1; DCH7CSIZ=1; DCH7ECONbits.CHSIRQ=13; // INT2 DCH7ECONbits.SIRQEN=1; switch(nch) { case 4: DCH7DSA=VirtToPhys(dst); DCH7DSIZ=65535; len-=65535; dst+=65535; DCH7INT=0x000b0000; DCH7CONbits.CHCHNS=1; DCH7CONbits.CHPRI=3; DCH6CONbits.CHCHN=1; DCH6CONbits.CHCHNS=1; case 3: DCH6DSA=VirtToPhys(dst); DCH6DSIZ=65535; len-=65535; dst+=65535; DCH6INT=0x000b0000; DCH6CONbits.CHCHNS=1; DCH6CONbits.CHPRI=3; DCH5CONbits.CHCHN=1; DCH5CONbits.CHCHNS=1; case 2: DCH5DSA=VirtToPhys(dst); DCH5DSIZ=65535; len-=65535; dst+=65535; DCH5INT=0x000b0000; DCH5CONbits.CHCHNS=1; DCH5CONbits.CHPRI=3; DCH4CONbits.CHCHN=1; DCH4CONbits.CHCHNS=1; case 1: DCH4DSA=VirtToPhys(dst); DCH4DSIZ=65535; len-=65535; dst+=65535; DCH4INT=0x000b0000; DCH4CONbits.CHCHNS=1; DCH4CONbits.CHPRI=3; DCH3CONbits.CHCHN=1; DCH3CONbits.CHCHNS=1; case 0: DCH3DSA=VirtToPhys(dst); DCH3DSIZ=len; DCH3INT=0x000b0000; DCH3CONbits.CHPRI=3; } while((READPORT(MT_FRAMEVALID))) Nop(); PixCtr=0; IEC0bits.INT2IE=0; switch(nch) { case 0: while(!(READPORT(MT_FRAMEVALID))); DCH3CONSET=0x80; DCH3ECONbits.CFORCE=1; break; case 1: while(!(READPORT(MT_FRAMEVALID))); DCH4CONSET=0x80; DCH4ECONbits.CFORCE=1; break; case 2: while(!(READPORT(MT_FRAMEVALID))); DCH5CONSET=0x80; DCH5ECONbits.CFORCE=1; break; case 3: while(!(READPORT(MT_FRAMEVALID))); DCH6CONSET=0x80; DCH6ECONbits.CFORCE=1; break; case 4: while(!(READPORT(MT_FRAMEVALID))); DCH7CONSET=0x80; DCH7ECONbits.CFORCE=1; break; } while((!(DCH3INT&0x0b))&&(READPORT(MT_FRAMEVALID))) Nop(); if (!READPORT(MT_FRAMEVALID)) { DCH3ECONSET=0x40; DCH3CONCLR=0x80; DCH4ECONSET=0x40; DCH4CONCLR=0x80; DCH5ECONSET=0x40; DCH5CONCLR=0x80; DCH6ECONSET=0x40; DCH6CONCLR=0x80; DCH7ECONSET=0x40; DCH7CONCLR=0x80; } IEC0bits.INT4IE=CTPIVal; //Re-enable TP Interrupt IEC0bits.INT2IE=0; FrameDone=1; BITSET(MT_OE); //MT9V output enable return 0; } |
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